Web sites: we need to rethink it. Mobile.

Nota, questo post inaugura la sezione delle pubblicazioni in inglese. Sono gradite eventuali segnalazioni di “orrori” di sintassi/ortografia.

When we think about a mobile site, most of us visualize it in a Safari or Android browser: nothing worst, there is a whole world of different browsers out there, different devices, different capabilities. So let’s reverse the problem: are our sites designed with mobile in mind? Mobile first? Are we using every attention to let’s everyone navigate easily our projects?

The sad answer is no. There are billions of mobile devices, different form factor screen, but we have in mind just smartphone like iPhone, Android, Blackberry. We forget Nokia sometimes, and many others. So we need a different approach.

I suggest you to go through this slides: it would open your eyes.


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